Learning Log 12

               Learning Log 12


This week I learned about how to create roller caption and roller image in my CALL  .When I pointed mouse and it would appear image that related to the text or the image that appear vocabulary/ voice when students point mouse in case teaching vocabulary. Afterthat , I learned about how to adding games  that I must add blank slide and click Interaction and then select  learning interaction there are many game such a memory game ,word search etc.  All of these could attract students wanted to learned and could understand the lesson more. It makes students feel more fun.

Learning Log 11

              Learning Log 11

This week I learned about how to create a test by Adobe Captivate 8. There were 5 types of test in this program that we must to use them usually in CALL; multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank, matching short answer, and, true/false. In each type there was different way to create. After that,I  chose multiple choice in pre-test and post-test. and I chose  another test  in my exercise. It was useful for me.

Learning Log 10

            Learning  Log 10

This week I learned about teaching English in Thailand. English was taught in a foreign language in school.Teacher taught about how to use program Adobe Captivate 8 to create my CALL .First, I created the blank project and size 1048*768. Then, I did the page that student have to sign up their name, menu,etc.  Finally, I learned how to make the test in this program and link frame into another frame when we click and I could add picture, audio, or video into my CALL.

Learning Log 9

        Learning Log 9 
          This week I learned about Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) and English Language Teaching (ELT) in Thailand. The main purpose of using CALL  was to improve or develope the learner's competence. For the reason that Thai students had unsatisfied of nation's test score( O-NET ,GAT-PAT ). So, the educators or teachers had to pay attention to improve ELT in Thailand. Afterthat, teacher taught about Adobe Captivate 8 program to make CALL.

Learning Log 8

     Learning Log 8

        This week I learned about meaning of CALL. Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) is defined as "the search for and study of applications of the computer in language teaching and learning."And I learned about Uses of CALL In  English Language teaching CALL has been used or can be used for the purpose of language learning and teaching. The use of CALL can be divided as follows:
(1) Computer as Drill and Practice
(2) Computer as Tutor
(3) Computer as Simulation / Problem Solving
(4) Computer as Game
(5) Computer as Tool for ELT teachers and learners
(6) Applications of Internet for ELT.

             Learning Log 7

          This week I learnt about the Thai false friends words that Thai people used from English in different meaning such as “Sexy” in English meaning means attract attention but “ Sexy ” in Thai means naked woman's dress . Then  I did exercise about Thai false friends . Afterthat ,our group presented  article  “ Applying Innovative Spirit to Multimedia Foreign Language Teaching “ .It made me know Positive Effects of Multimedia on Foreign Language Teaching .
               Learning Log 6

          This week I learnt about how to combine the data and made my  corpus named Olympic . The teacher taught me to give the topic of the information I collected. There were  50705  words in my corpus. Afterthat,I learnt about how to use antconc that a freeware corpus analysis toolkit for concordancing and text analysis and downloaded it  from  http://www.laurenceanthony.net/software/antconc/

Antconc program  showed the words that I want .